Bell Equipment’s all-new Tracked Carrier (TC) received an ‘overwhelming’ customer response at CONEXPO, Las Vegas last month where the TC7A took center stage on a rotating turntable as the company’s latest premium solution for soft underfoot conditions.

Geared for the short-haul and to provide a niche solution to the pipelaying industry, Bell Equipment developed the TC7A and TC11A Tracked Carriers following extensive market research and a stringent design process.
Feedback from an intensive test program in America has been encouraging. Bell Equipment Territory Manager, Brad Castle, says: “The trial has met our expectations and surpassed them in a number of ways. The features that were designed into the machine are proving themselves in TC applications, therefore we are pleased so far. We are constantly receiving valuable machine and production information through Fleetm@tic and our future customers will be able to as well, as this is going to be a standard offering.”
The units, fitted with premium components and Bell Equipment’s proprietary software, are powered by a 6,7 litre Cummins engine with Rexroth hydraulics and have the option of a dump bed or flatbed.
Both models have a standard ROPS and FOPS certified cab. The Bell TCs feature a unique six-roller system with compound walking beams that provide equal weight distribution when traversing obstacles.
“The result is a much smoother ride compared to the tracked machines that are currently available in the market,”
“In keeping with our philosophy of ‘strong reliable machines’ our Tracked Carrier is made from thicker gauge steel, has rubbers in the bogie pivots for reduced greasing requirements and improved wear and a ground-level service hatch and removable panels for ease of maintenance,” he adds. “Our design engineers have listened to the market and designed accordingly, thinking of everything including cab accessibility and operator comfort. This was borne out by the customer response at the show.”
“People first noticed our unique undercarriage system. Coupled with our promotional video, they could see and appreciate the advantage in driving comfort when the machine was shown going over obstacles alongside a competitor’s machine. They were also impressed by the potential prolonged track life benefits of our suspension system.”
“The purpose-built cab, with its excellent visibility, was another talking point as competitor machines are fitted with generic excavator cabs and Bell is only one of two competitors to offer a ROPS and FOPS cab as standard. We were complimented on the ground level service hatch on the left-hand side of the machine. Customers noticed and appreciated this convenient and time-saving measure.”
The first order of Tracked Carriers for America has been received and is expected to arrive by early 2021. With its credibility in the Articulated Dump Truck market with the niche B20E Low Ground Pressure truck, Bell Equipment will also be investigating the feasibility and demand for Tracked Carriers in other regions.
Source: Bell Equipment