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Tag: Hustler Equipment

Scott and his family-run horses on 90 acres in Ontario, Canada and made this their happy place. With the help of a Hustler Chainless LX104, Scott was able to turn his most hated chore at the end of the...
Recently Hustler's team visited North Canterbury to find out 4 years later how JCB contracting's Hustler Katipo 1150 Boom Sprayer had held up to some of North Canterbury's toughest terrain. Running a contracting business and 944ha farm Justin purchased...
In Strackholt, Germany, in a small family-run farming business you can learn how the nutrition of a 35 cow dairy herd is optimized with the help of a Hustler SL360X (Unrolla LX105).  Happy cows and sustainable farming are important to...
Running a total of 32,000 sheep, Oxton Park in New South Wales, a sheep and grain property is supplementary feeding 50 ton of finely chopped silage each day with a round trip of 7kms per load. We caught up...