Sany donates medical masks to countries fighting COVID-19

Sany Group, a global manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, held a donation ceremony at its industrial park in Bedburg Germany yesterday, delivering 22,000 masks to hospitals of Essen and Bedburg, where Sany Europe is located. From March 17 to 19, 2020, a total of 50,000 N95 medical masks with the European CE mark were shipped in three batches from Sany Group in Changsha to its European headquarters to help in the fight against Covid-19.

Mr. Feng Haiyang, Consul-general of the Chinese Consulate in Düsseldorf, sent a letter to SANY Europe GmbH, noted:

“We highly praise the kind donation of medical masks by SANY Europe to local governments in Germany and the donation of medical supplies to China. I sincerely hope and look forward to SANY making continuous achievements in business and as a role model among Chinese enterprises in Europe for social responsibility.”

Nordrhein-Westfalen is the state with the most confirmed Covid-19 infections in Germany, and Essen is the city with many strong healthcare institutions in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Among the 50,000 masks donated by Sany Group, 20,000 masks will go to hospitals in Essen, and 2,000 will go to hospitals in Bedburg. Sany Europe, with the help of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in Germany, will also contact and donate the remainder of medical masks to other local governments and medical institutions across the country to support the fight against the pandemic in Germany.

Printed on the boxes of masks is a German proverb written in Chinese and German: “Berg und Tal kommen nicht zusammen, wohl aber die Menschen” meaning Mountains and valleys don’t come together, but humans do. Chinese President Xi Jinping quoted this German proverb during his visit to Germany in 2014 to express the long history of mutual exchanges and profound friendship between the two peoples.

In addition, to the first batch of medical masks to Germany, SANY Group also donated a further 80,000 masks to Italy, France, Germany, Japan, Austria, and Sweden for overseas partners with the quote of “Our destiny is closely connected in both good and hard times.”

“During the worst period of the Covid-19 outbreak in China, China was helped by many countries. To return the favor, SANY Group made the quick decision to extend a helping hand to the German people in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic,” said by the principal of Sany Group.

Mr. Deng Haijun, GM of SANY Europe GmbH attended the donation ceremony; Source: Sany

Source: Sany

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