CECE Assess the New EU Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulation’s Impact on Construction Sector

Last 5th April the European Commission published two initiatives to contribute to achieving the EU’s climate targets: a proposal of Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer (ODS) and a proposal of Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases.

Courtesy of CECE

The new regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases will repeal the current F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 and it will be negotiated by the co-legislators in the European Parliament and the Council following the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. The European Commission is proposing to align the F-gas Regulation with the European Green Deal, the European Climate Law and assure compliance with the recent international obligations on HFCs under the Montreal Protocol.

excavator in action

The review is intended to deliver higher ambition e.g. through a tighter quota system for HFCs and reduce the amount of HFCs placed on the market by 98% by 2050 (compared to 2015); new restrictions on the use of F-gases in equipment are also included. The monitoring will cover a broader range of substances and activities; and the procedures for reporting and verifying data will be improved. Regarding enforcement and implementation, the European Commission proposes to include a quota price and make penalties harsher and more homogenous across the EU.

CECE will assess in detail the European Commission’s proposal on fluorinated greenhouse gases and evaluate its impact for our sector.

Source: CECE

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